Wednesday, February 6, 2013

First Blog Entry Ever

My name is Bethany Snedden. This is the first time I've ever made a blog. I attend Slippery Rock University. For my New Media Journalism course our first assignment was the creation of a blog. I'm interested in seeing how it goes. I'm a Communications/Public Relations major as well as a sophomore. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect with this class but so far I'm pleased. I've taken so many classes I feel don't have much to do with my potential future career but this one is much more in line with that. For my job I would like to promote non-profit organizations through various social media sites. 

I've never taken anything like this class before. I like how it's hands on applied learning as opposed to sitting in a lecture and memorizing information. Despite being an avid internet user I've never done the majority of the things that I will do in this class. The only thing I'm really familiar with is Facebook, and there are even many things I don't know how to do on there.

The creation of this blog showed me just how much I don't understand about the internet, and how much I took for granted. I'm looking forward in this class to learning to do many things I've never done before. 

I chose the site for my traditional media link because this is a website that I go to at times to see the news for the day. 

I chose RT news for my new media link because I go here often. This site is more independent than liberal or conservative and has more information on world news. 

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