Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mayor in Japan Saves Town Devastated by Earthquake, Tsunami, and Nuclear Meltdown

In an act of desperation, 55-year-old Mayor Katsunobu Sakurai of the city of Minamisoma Japan posted a youtube video pleading for help for his devastated town. In March 2011, Japan suffered a nuclear disaster due to a major earthquake and tsunami which put many towns surrounding the Plant in great danger. Although half the town followed evacuation orders, 20,000 people remained in their homes or shelters, and were forbidden to leave. This meant food supplies were dangerously low as the people that delivered food weren't allowed to enter the town. As the Japanese government was ignoring the plights of the town, Sakurai felt he had no choice but to ask for help over the internet. He was surprised when people from all over the world sent supplies to the town. 

If I were to interview him, I would ask him how his town is doing today.

I chose these sources because they are reputable news sources that I am familiar with. 

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